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  • Writer's pictureSophia Evans

MonEx Weekly Update #2 - Carriage 1!

This week has had not allowed much time to work on Monster Express due to other game project work (playtesting forever!) but progress has been made on the first section of the game! Cutscenes are in progress but require a little more work before a good preview can be shown, stay tuned next week for that!

Here's an example of a WIP room for Carriage One! Doesn't look much like a train? That's the point - this train is no ordinary train, and for all the carriages to look more or less the same would go against the point of the game! Each carriage will offer a look into the world outside the train, as well as the histories of the passengers and our heroine herself...

The cutscenes are well underway, with some interesting events planned. They should hopefully be implemented in the next week or so, as well as the inventory system!

Next week - cutscene system and inventory system! The ball is really rolling now. Hopefully progress continues smoothly!

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