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Writing Projects

I have been writing since I was about 9 years old, where I penned my first original short story about a diver seeking out a giant, man-eating squid to stop its daily beach lunches, only to discover that it is intelligent and collects (and organises) the bones of its prey in a hidden cove. I am unsure if I've ever written anything as good since, but here are a few of my previous works!

Writing Projects: Bio

'Isolation' - A Short Film Script

Writing Projects: Projects
isolated girl.jfif

On an Earth ravaged by bioweapons, an emotionally repressed young woman and her overbearing mother must fight to keep their last chance of escape as other desperate survivors – and their own natures – struggle to take over. Based on my own original concept.

Creative Portfolio - Poetry and Prose

Writing Projects: Projects
three mallard ducks in pond by martin da

'Worrying About The Brevity Of Life May Perhaps Just Make It Shorter' and 'The Path All Travel', a poem and short story I wrote for a creative portfolio. The poem depicts the feelings of stress and being overwhelmed with the work one has to get done, while the short story tells the tale of a duck and an old man, and the instances where their paths crossed.

'Is It Easier To Love A Dead Girl?' - A Semi-Autobiographical Memoir Pitch

Writing Projects: Projects
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'Is It Easier To Love A Dead Girl?' is told from the perspective of Alex, a young adult writer in modern society, who has lost his childhood best friend, Kayla, to suicide. The first chapter and unofficial pitch letter can be read through the link below.

'Transmutation State Of Mind' - A Short Story

Writing Projects: Projects

'Transmutation State Of Mind' is a fictional short story about a witch coming to turns with the way her life has progressed, through a discussion and reflection.

Poetry Portfolio - Collection of Poems

Writing Projects: Projects

This poetry portfolio was created for a university assignment, and contains a range of poems of different types, showing a variety of formats that I have worked with. This includes erasure poetry, sonnets, freeform poetry, sound poetry, and more.

And Finally... The Giant Squid's Revenge

Writing Projects: Projects

My very first short story at 9 years old, somehow surviving the several computer upgrades and data transfers. You can tell I hadn't had any writing tutelage, and my technique is... interesting, but it's interesting to see how my style has evolved over the years - it also has some very hilarious moments (although surprisingly anti squid armour is a real thing!).

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